United Kingdom, London - The reason of my constant movements

In Movement

Life is a journey. We are in movement constantly interacting with everything that surrounds us. The Universe is alive like a living being, the planet Earth and all the other Solar System's planets in their orbits and around the Sun, rotating suspended in the infinit of the Galaxies.
We are in movement when we go on holiday and we get into a plane full of other fellow travellers. When we wake up in the morning and go to work. When we move our hands to write love letters. When our father's sperm follows into our mother's uterus. When the oxygen travels from the air that we breath in and out of our bodies. When the blood that runs through our veins and arteries hidden underneath our skin, makes the heart beat, keeping us alive!

... and so all that is inside and outside of us is in constant movement...and that's why life is a journey - a constant journey, a constant movement!

This website is an account of my journeys, of my movements. It's an account of banalities and special things - a diary, written to the pace of each journey I intend to share with other fellow travellers.

And my journeys aren't more special, they are just my journeys, my movements, that reflect me as a human being. They reflect my hopes, my failures and weaknesses, my idiosincracies, my desires, projects and above all they reflect the way my thoughts travel from my mind to my hand with which I write them.

Travel with me, be part of my journey, leave your ideas and thoughts...

Good travels

United Kingdom, London, 12 October 2007

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